Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Recruiting Call

Ready to make recruit some new agents and interns? Here's what you need to do:

 First steps:

·     Say  “I reviewed your resume…”

·      Repeat a few things you noticed. (They current work at_____. They’re a junior/senior at (school). They’re originally from _____. Etc.)

·      Mention a few things you noticed about their work experience

Questions to Ask:

·      What kind of work are you looking for?

·      What is your general availability? (If applying for an internship, ask what hours they’re going to be available with their class schedule)

·      Do you have a car? (We work in the field. You must be able to see clients)

·      Do you understand the licensing component of the position? (In order to transact insurance, you legally need to get a state insurance license. Just like a real estate agent, stock broker, or lawyer...)

·      Do you know very much about Aflac? Let me tell you what it is…

o   Aflac is supplemental health insurance that pays you if you get sick or injured

o   Unlike health insurance that pays a doctor or hospital, Aflac pays a policyholder directly. This helps make sure that a person can pay their bills while they’re out of work, or cover any out-of-pocket expenses that health insurance won’t cover. Basically, it's insurance for daily living.

o   We’re in a growth market. Due to Health Care Reform, a lot of businesses are looking for ways to expand their benefits to cover the gaps in their health plans, but can’t afford to pay for the rising costs. Aflac is a free way for them to do this.

·      About Everwell:

o   Recently, Aflac has launched a new mobile web platform 
o   It allows companies to offer benefits at zero-cost to the business
o   It's an exciting time to be in the "launch" phase of this technology
o   We stand out from competitors in that we're the only company that offers a zero-cost benefits option
o   We're learning how to distribute this technology and make it standard way for all employees to access health insurance solutions

·      The job involves:

o   Developing new business relationships...

o   Servicing the clients that our senior agents already have, 

and most importantly... 
Counseling employees on how their health insurance works. 
 (Especially after Health Care Reform, most people don't understand how their health insurance works. Often I'm the only one that can help them. I love that I'm able to really help people when I'm working in the field.)

·      We also have managerial tracks to teach you to:

o   Train and develop a team of consultants


·    If you were to come in for a first interview to meet with our team, including our regional director, what would be the best day/time for you?


If applying as a full-time agent, send to a board room. But be specific. Don't say "we have board rooms every day." Offer one of the following slots, based on their availability.

o   Monday 6pm

o   Tuesday 12:30pm or 6pm

o   Wednesday 10:30am

o   Thursday 6pm

o   Friday 10:00am

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this job a commission-only position?

There are a number of different ways to get paid by Aflac. Unfortunately we can't pay anyone who is not licensed. But you are compensated on the cases you work on, just like you would at a law firm or wealth management firm.

Is this job a "sales job"?

Of course, we're an insurance carrier, and we sell insurance. But the job is actually 60% business development, and 40% benefits enrollment.

"Business development" means initiating new partnerships with companies to place Aflac among their employee benefits. Companies pay nothing ($0) for the service, but merely allow employees access to Aflac insurance products.

"Benefits enrollment" involves assisting employees one-on-one with their benefit selections. You'll be a product expert, helping people from different backgrounds (and languages) in choosing benefits that are right for their life needs and budgets.

Once you've gotten the "yes," send this CONFIRMATION EMAIL! (copy-paste below), and copy both Russell ( and Ceri (

Here's the information for your interview for the (internship OR associate position) on (day of week), (calendar date) at (time).

Our address is:
5805 Sepulveda Blvd. #740
Sherman Oaks, CA 91411

A pay parking lot is available in front of the building for $1 an hour. You should be able to find plenty of street parking as well. Please bring a hard copy of your resume and dress in business attire for the meeting.

You will be interviewing with our regional coordinator of sales. Upon arrival, please let the receptionist know that you booked the appointment for Russell Nakamura's district position. 

Candidate Name: (Name)

If you are running late or need to reschedule, please contact our recruiting manager at:

Ceri Ryan

For fun, here's a little video on what real agents say about the Aflac position:


(your name)